Sunday, August 26, 2012

Do You Have the Best System for Making Insurance Calls?

 Expert Author Kimberly Schenk

Insurance sales agents who succeed long term have developed a system for scheduling insurance calls. Insurance sales careers are attractive because of generous commission structures and residual commissions. Many agents pay a premium for insurance leads from online lead generation websites. With experience comes the knowledge of exactly how many insurance sales calls will result in sales.

The first things a new insurance agent needs is:

1. Product knowledge and
2. The mechanics of how to conduct a successful sales call.

The sales process can be broken down into steps. Understand your client's needs first and foremost. Ask a lot of questions about their goals, concerns, and needs. Next, address those needs specifically, and close. Address objections and close again.

Identify each step of the sales process so you can correct errors if a sale does not close. If you know what parts of the sales call give you trouble you can prepare differently for the next sales call and steadily improve your closing ratio.

Agents who are new to a career in sales and insurance sales specifically are frequently alarmed to discover they have a fear of making cold calls. Not making systematic cold calls can destroy any sales career. Initially, to save money it makes sense to complete your own sales calls. There's relief available to erase call reluctance completely.

Smart Sales Managers provide training in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to dissolve discomfort associated with making insurance calls. The use of (EFT) is central to your success if you find you have a love/hate relationship with cold calling new prospects. EFT is emotional acupuncture. It's an energy therapy that combines thoughtful focus with a series of tapping sequences on multiple body points. The EFT process miraculously dissolves feelings we wish to change.

With EFT one does not need to identify the origin of their trauma or discomfort, however they do need to identify a feeling or idea upsetting their performance. EFT is emotional self-care. We grow up making conclusions that may not be true. Some people fear failure, some fear success. If you have feelings that conflict with tasks your job demands those feelings can dissolve. You've got the power to place supportive feelings and ideas where negatives once held you back.

EFT is easy to learn and produces instant results in many cases. It's been used by healing practices for twenty years. Millions of people have benefited and now it's time to use EFT to address everyday challenges.

Insurance calls are a task. Much like walking the dog or emptying the dishwasher. Insurance calling can be boring so schedule the time to make your calls and get comfortable completing those calls. The secret to cold calling once unwanted anxiety is dissolved is to make those calls quickly. Don't take all day. Don't allow more than five seconds to elapse between calls. Keep it mindless. I read a sales training book years ago that talked about a top producing insurance agent. He would sit down to make 100 or more calls until he had his week fully booked with in-person meetings.

His system seemed horrid to me as a novice sales person. Every time someone answered the phone he would say, "You don't want to buy insurance, do you?" No introduction, no small talk. His only goal was to schedule appointments and he did this consistently all the way to the bank. Invariably people would say, "Hey wait a minute, I do want to buy insurance!" Customers were surprised by his direct approach. The result? Going into each appointment, this agent knew his prospect was open to buy insurance! This man made millions.

If insurance calling is part of the routine that will make your dreams come true then figure out how many cold calls create the number of face-to-face appointments you need each week. Next, use EFT daily until you've erased all feelings of discomfort associated with sales calls. If new fears or thoughts emerge that create self-doubt or threaten to derail your success, tap them away! If rejection feels personal, EFT can change your response. If you're a shy person, EFT will help. EFT can erase any feeling or idea that sabotages your success.

Develop a script that reflects your style. Use EFT to make Insurance calling easy, and fun! Insurance sales is a great career. If you feel like you've got to motivate yourself to go our and do battle with the world something's wrong. Insurance calls are key to an agent's success. Learn the sales process, know your products, use EFT, and watch your confidence and sales numbers skyrocket!

Cold Call Therapy is designed to help anyone eliminate call resistance, permanently. EFT works miracles and is easy to learn. Results are lasting. Modify EFT to address any issue in your life blocking total satisfaction. Don't let call anxiety kill your career.

Insurance sales agents who succeed long term have developed a system for scheduling insurance calls. Insurance sales careers are attractive because of generous commission structures and residual commissions. Many agents pay a premium for insurance leads from online lead generation websites. With experience comes the knowledge of exactly how many insurance sales calls will result in sales.

The first things a new insurance agent needs is:

1. Product knowledge and
2. The mechanics of how to conduct a successful sales call.

The sales process can be broken down into steps. Understand your client's needs first and foremost. Ask a lot of questions about their goals, concerns, and needs. Next, address those needs specifically, and close. Address objections and close again.

Identify each step of the sales process so you can correct errors if a sale does not close. If you know what parts of the sales call give you trouble you can prepare differently for the next sales call and steadily improve your closing ratio.

Agents who are new to a career in sales and insurance sales specifically are frequently alarmed to discover they have a fear of making cold calls. Not making systematic cold calls can destroy any sales career. Initially, to save money it makes sense to complete your own sales calls. There's relief available to erase call reluctance completely.

Smart Sales Managers provide training in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to dissolve discomfort associated with making insurance calls. The use of (EFT) is central to your success if you find you have a love/hate relationship with cold calling new prospects. EFT is emotional acupuncture. It's an energy therapy that combines thoughtful focus with a series of tapping sequences on multiple body points. The EFT process miraculously dissolves feelings we wish to change.

With EFT one does not need to identify the origin of their trauma or discomfort, however they do need to identify a feeling or idea upsetting their performance. EFT is emotional self-care. We grow up making conclusions that may not be true. Some people fear failure, some fear success. If you have feelings that conflict with tasks your job demands those feelings can dissolve. You've got the power to place supportive feelings and ideas where negatives once held you back.

EFT is easy to learn and produces instant results in many cases. It's been used by healing practices for twenty years. Millions of people have benefited and now it's time to use EFT to address everyday challenges.

Insurance calls are a task. Much like walking the dog or emptying the dishwasher. Insurance calling can be boring so schedule the time to make your calls and get comfortable completing those calls. The secret to cold calling once unwanted anxiety is dissolved is to make those calls quickly. Don't take all day. Don't allow more than five seconds to elapse between calls. Keep it mindless. I read a sales training book years ago that talked about a top producing insurance agent. He would sit down to make 100 or more calls until he had his week fully booked with in-person meetings.

His system seemed horrid to me as a novice sales person. Every time someone answered the phone he would say, "You don't want to buy insurance, do you?" No introduction, no small talk. His only goal was to schedule appointments and he did this consistently all the way to the bank. Invariably people would say, "Hey wait a minute, I do want to buy insurance!" Customers were surprised by his direct approach. The result? Going into each appointment, this agent knew his prospect was open to buy insurance! This man made millions.

If insurance calling is part of the routine that will make your dreams come true then figure out how many cold calls create the number of face-to-face appointments you need each week. Next, use EFT daily until you've erased all feelings of discomfort associated with sales calls. If new fears or thoughts emerge that create self-doubt or threaten to derail your success, tap them away! If rejection feels personal, EFT can change your response. If you're a shy person, EFT will help. EFT can erase any feeling or idea that sabotages your success.

Develop a script that reflects your style. Use EFT to make Insurance calling easy, and fun! Insurance sales is a great career. If you feel like you've got to motivate yourself to go our and do battle with the world something's wrong. Insurance calls are key to an agent's success. Learn the sales process, know your products, use EFT, and watch your confidence and sales numbers skyrocket!

Cold Call Therapy is designed to help anyone eliminate call resistance, permanently. EFT works miracles and is easy to learn. Results are lasting. Modify EFT to address any issue in your life blocking total satisfaction. Don't let call anxiety kill your career.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What Would Steve Jobs Do?

After reading Walter Isaacson's great book about Steve Jobs, I began to imagine what would Steve Jobs do if you were running an insurance agency. The first obstacle I thought about was that Steve Jobs could not do it because he would have to deal with the products he could not control from insurance companies. Let's just ignore that issue and his bad traits for the rest of this article.

Steve Jobs' primary focus was to create great products. All else was secondary. The product of insurance agency is the service it provides to clients. The direction he would take would be to provide a seamless integrated experience for the client. People have too many things to worry about and not enough time to be able to focus on their insurance needs and problem.

Remember the time before the iPod? What was it like to go buy a stereo system? There were dozens of preamps to select, CD players to review, cassette decks to analyze, turntables to choose, and speakers to complete the package. Who had time to figure out what was the best way to go?

The SJ Agency would create a system with few options and allows the prospect to quickly discover their insurance needs. The key step here is to develop the technique of collecting information from the prospect and analyzing their insurance needs. There are tons of questionnaires that do a good job in discovering potential risk areas. Steve Jobs would develop a way to collect information quickly and painlessly.

Once the needs were analyzed, the client would be offered a prepackaged plan with few options. The part of the plan that Jobs would emphasize is not the insurance policies, but the services that the agency is providing the customer to make their life easier. The agency would create e-mails and letters that would go out automatically over the course of the year reminding them of the need to provide updated information and to reinforce the idea that the agency is there to support them.

One belief that Steve Jobs held was that it was important to create a product that the client did not yet know that they needed. SJ insurance agency would be equally innovative. The agency would have periodic meetings with the employees and some key outside advisers to analyze what the agency is doing now and 10 new ideas to focus on in the future. He would let the employees work on ideas to improve the product.

Another key belief Steve Jobs had was to obsess about the details. He wanted everything to be perfect including the parts that the customer could not see. That might mean that Steve Jobs spend a lot of time developing streamlined procedures for the business. His agency would be very consistent in the product/service that they provide their customers.

The various departments in the SJ Agency would work together as a single team. Changes would only occur after getting feedback from everyone. Collaboration and integration are to be expected from the employees. This is important at several levels. It allows employees to have some control over what goes on. It also creates a sense of responsibility and accountability since they were part of the decision-making process.

Steve Jobs would also employ his "reality distortion field." He would push and challenge his employees to do their best, and more. This approach will work however, only if the agency has all "A" players. He would hire only the best. The employees would need to be passionate about providing excellent service for the client. These type of people are hard to find and usually demand higher compensation. The good news is that they are self-sufficient, they can manage themselves, and their productivity would be off the charts. The time and money required to find and hire these people will be worth it in the long.

Steve Jobs was that once-in-a-lifetime personality that was able to change the world. He had the perfect blend of vision, drive, and persuasion to create new things and build very successful businesses. One of his traits that help them succeed was to be able to spot a good idea and remold it into his unique version. Xerox Parc was the first to create a graphical user interface and a mouse. That great idea would have died on the vine except for Steve's use of it in the Apple II.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Life Settlement - Retirement Peace of Mind

On January 1st, 2011, and every day since, 10,000 baby boomers have turned 65. This trend is expected to continue for the next 18 years. According to the Urban Institute, these baby boomers have lost up to 10% of their retirement savings since the crisis of 2008. Despite the financial crisis affecting the majority of people with investments in the stock market, many seniors have been unsure how to adapt their financial plan in response to recent market changes and losses. With over 30% of U.S. investors maintaining more than 80% of their 401k investments in equities, there could be devastating impacts for seniors if another crash occurred. With over 70% of baby boomers invested in the stock market prior to 2008, even if their savings weren't substantially affected, most boomers are at least thinking about their retirement more carefully. The critical opportunity here involves education, such as an in-depth analysis of how finances have been affected and how they can be repositioned to meet client financial needs.

Now more than ever, members of the public are concerned about their retirement security. In a 2011 survey by Lake Research Partners, 88% of voters expressed concern about maintaining a comfortable standard of living in retirement, and 52% of those responders were very concerned. In October of 2009, approximately one year after the beginning of the financial crisis, 58% of affluent Americans were concerned about the economy's impact on their ability to save. Since 2009, this number has shrunk to only 49%, despite recent claims about economic improvements and stock market stabilization. The number one fear of today's baby boomer generation is their loss of independence. More and more retirees are realizing this potential threat to their retirement. Many of these people purchased life insurance at some point in their working years. Most financial decisions occurred at targeted points in a person's life: marriage, home purchase, birth of a child, retirement. As more people transition into the retirement ages, it's time for another financial conversation about whether their products still meet those needs.

Life expectancies are rising alongside healthcare costs. Of recently surveyed seniors, 62% identified health care as their top concern and felt unsure about how to incorporate that into their retirement plans. Additionally, 61% of seniors are uncertain about the ability of their assets to match their income needs in retirement, leading to increased concern about whether they will be able to pursue the retirement lifestyle they had hoped for. In the early years of their retirement, more seniors are aware of the impact that rising healthcare costs have on them. Many are interested in obtaining cash to pay for that healthcare now.

Some seniors are working longer, too. Many feel unprepared to enter retirement based on their savings and now continue to work past age 65. When faced with the opportunity to reduce that retirement age through the sale of an unneeded life insurance policy, a life insurance settlement can provide peace of mind and a more comfortable retirement. That supplemental cash could significantly boost a nest egg. For example, a 71 years old planning to continue working another two years would likely welcome the opportunity to stop working now and use the life settlement proceeds to serve as retirement income.

Many seniors and retirees are considering cashing in their life insurance policies to provide increased financial security. In the golden years, there is less of a need for a beneficiary payout, since many people purchase and maintain coverage during their working years to protect spouses and children. It's likely that children have finished their education and left the nest, so there is less immediate concern about providing support. Seniors are now more likely to be concerned about their own well-being entering retirement given the recent turbulence in the stock market.

Older policies are seeing significant increases in the cost of insurance, making premium payments less affordable. More seniors are weighing the benefits of paying these higher premiums to maintain coverage they may no longer need. Some seniors simply choose to let the coverage lapse, eliminating premium payments, but losing the value of the policy. Open the conversation by meeting your client where they are at. Discuss how they are affected so far and what options they have for becoming more financially secure in the short and long-term. This is your opportunity to help clients understand the benefits of a Life Settlement.

Life settlements present a unique opportunity to dispose of unwanted policies and address current needs. If you are an adviser, position yourself to help assuage the concerns over lost independence. With an average offer from a life insurance settlement at 24.41% of the face amount, settlements are a highly viable option when compared with an average cash surrender value of 4.09%. Using this information to leverage your client's concerns about financial security, retirement, and increasing health care costs is an excellent opportunity to reevaluate their financial needs.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

3 Ways to Get Free Insurance Leads

Are you on the lookout for insurance sales leads? Here's the deal: sales leads need not cost you a fortune, since there are free ones out there today that can help your grow your company through converting sales leads into customers. By tapping new and stagnant lead sources - and spotting the best ones through lead validation - you will be able to take your business to greater heights.

Here are three simple, almost-cost-free steps to start bringing in more insurance leads to your database:

    Use free classified ads. This generation tool is a rich vat of free insurance sales leads. When writing up your ad, be sure to include your email address, phone contact, and website that links back to your insurance site. Establish that people can get more free and detailed information when they reply with their contact information. An easy and fuss-free way to automatically generate leads, right?

    Use insurance message boards to your advantage. Don't hesitate to visit these message boards that are relevant to the kind of sales leads you want to find and take hold of. Post ads with a link to your site. Capture users' interest by discussing a specific promo or discount that your business is having for a limited time only, and noting that they will need to email you their contact information in order to learn more about the said promo or discount. A chance to get a good discount on an insurance product is an attractive way for these individuals to contact you.

    Join sales leads companies. Once you sign up to these companies, you are typically given free leads as a trial. These may not be an aggressive lot, but you will get a few to start with. If they happen to convert and make money for you, you may want to consider purchasing leads from the said company. If they don't, though, check out other potential ways to obtain good, revenue-generating leads.

Your insurance leads, however, are only as good as their quality. The integration of a lead validation tool provides you the tools to automatically and immediately verify lead accuracy with point-of-entry validation. A lead verification service allows you to do "lead scrubbing" before establishing contact, therefore saving you time and money by filtering out bad leads, preventing fraudulent transaction, and improving customer conversion rates.

Lead verification also maximizes lead currency by streamlining validation, improves marketing statistics by incorporating lead quality, and converts more leads with correct and enhanced data.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tips for Online Insurance Agents to Improve Conversion Rates

When it comes to purchasing or selling insurance, there will always be lot of competition. Most of the leads check with numerous agents in order to find the best rate. Here are some tips to help your leads and promote your policy.

Making First Contact

The agent that contacts the lead first, certainly has the distinct advantage. In order to increase the chance of getting the first contact with new leads, try to reach them immediately after you receive an inquiry; even if that means you need to skip your lunch or travel an extra mile. Call your lead right away; if he/she is not answering the call, make sure that you leave a voice message delivering the company details. Send a follow-up e-mail after the message. Try to be more helpful and professional, instead of being a hound!

Selling Your Services the Right Way

If you have already contacted the lead, you just need to put on the market yourself. This is the way that you can separate yourself from others in the competition. Here are some of the exceptional tips to transform the lead to a potential client.

Keeping the Conversation Not-So-Commercial!

Most of the agents start speaking regarding the sales right away. It is not the right manner and leads to a disappointing result. Instead, start with more open-ended questions. These questions will sound less commercial and adequately help you in assessing the client's needs.

Try to understand the goals, purchasing habits, and motivations that match a product that you can promote, and then make a suggestion.

Understand Each Prospect

Study the info that comes from a lead carefully and make a note of the conversation you've had with the lead. It also allows you to understand the client desires in a better manner. Review your notes before you meet the client. It is a key approach to build the rapport.

Know Your Products

Make sure that you are aware of all your product and services. You should know the drawbacks and highlights of each policy so that you can may fluently all the queries of your potential customers.

Be Enthusiastic

The energy that you put in explaining the services will add value to your efforts. Combination of knowledge and enthusiasm will go long way and usually convert into long-term relationship with the client.

Guarantees and Deals

Everyone likes decent and good deal with insurance policy. Make sure that you offer special incentives to your client. This will certainly make them feel compelled to take up your service easily in comparison to what the others have got to offer.